
Then they asked him if he was carrying any cash, and took it without charging him, right?. Because drugs.

Typical shortsightedness from retarded politicians from (naturally) the House.

Just don't let any fedtards see it. Then it's "bomb making equipment."

Space western you say...yes tell me about your new innovative idea that we've never heard of before.

An elegant weapon for a more civilized age....

Watching both of those videos: dude's a retard. Save it for the track, newb.

Don't forget Hitler!

I bet you could get a Bently with a bespoke Stihl in the trunk...

I will not be fooled again. Too many crap films from him.

Really guys? WND.COM?

Here's Scalzi's response to the epic rampage of butthurt straight white guys:

Bwhahahahahahahahahaha. LOL. Wow.

Scalzi says:

"Pavlick's attempt did not faze the Kennedy"

No, the problem is our retarded drug policy.

As long as we have a for profit prison system with a vested interest in the "war on drugs," prosecutors who get to be senators based on their "toigh on crime" stance and police departments who get to seize property without warrants and sell it for profit to pad their budgets? Never.

Don't forget the moose guts. Always with the moose guts. Great oxidizer, moose guts.

Citation time... don't pull numbers out of thin air if you cannot back it up.

It is a state issue and some states spend more on locking people up to chase the mandated federal war on drugs. It's effed up.