
Really? Considering how little we actually know about them I'm surprised by that. The fact that we call the "Minoans" is purely due to not knowing what they called them selves.

Yeah. I always get a bug up my ass when the answer to all funding problems is to cut education funding.

You don't need no edumacation to build a space craft. Right?

Next up: a riveting expose on acetylsalicylic acid, the other drug giz has never heard of.

Falcon is 1950s technology like this Galaxy Nexus I'm typing on is. Hey. There were phones in the 50s, and radios. So. Totally the same.

Out of the box? No. And codecs installed (assuming you can get an ARM build) in the classic manner are not available to apps in the Metro shell/sandbox. However, developers can build apps that play whatever they want. AFAIK there is nothing stopping a port of VLC to ARM based Windows 8 devices.

This makes no sense. What stops them from doing an ARM build for the legacy desktop?

"many American born terrorists"

As any parent will tell you: those sippy cups are HELL.

Better watch out. The smoking gun might be a MUSHROOM CLOUD. Which decorated and generally well regarded senior military official will stand before the UN and totally ruin their reputation this time?

Why do you hate America? LOL.

I wonder, when the folks who thought this was a good idea were proposing it did actual nuclear engineers and physicists look at them like they were retarded or something? It's not like the effects of radiation and fallout were a total mystery at the time.

Puyallup is south east of Tacoma.

Article title:

And strip malls as far as the eye can see.

Hrrrrm. In Earth, Kiln People and Heaven's Reach all ended with what I'd call a torrent of metaphysical diarrhea. His books are great until they hit that wall.

"The new Sonic Cruiser appears to be just as fast as the original design"

We know this because Boeing ALREADY TRIED it with the Sonic Cruiser. The airlines didn't want it. They wanted less fuel per passenger-mile.

Automated,expert system guided trading needs to be abolished. It is, literally, making money from nothing based on fractions of a second in price fluctuations.

But you have Falcons and Commodores, so STFU. No whining from the land of the redonkulously awesome RWD four door family rockets.