
Yep. But only for "scientific research."

Prediction: GRRM will die of old while watching football before the series is complete. But not before he blogs about the football and hanging out with the cast in Ireland. Then watching some more football.

Ahhh yes. The "math is hard, let's go shopping" argument I've come to expect from Giz....

Did it rain? My Y2K WS6 t-tops leaked like a sieve. Bad car for Seattle.

I figured they changed it because it sounded like something Ron Jeremy would be selling on late night infomercials.

Nah. It's shitty art.

Wow. That is a bag of suck. Didn't summer used to mean Stargate and what not returning?


I know! Add massive spikey blue hair and a 12' long sword that is ALSO A GUN! Fixed!

RE:quiet earth. I don't think that's Saturn. The point being that people were not wiped out. They went elsewhere.

LOL. Texas. Having relations there, I note that all they care about is this shit and football. They have to optimize glory for high-school, 'cause after that they're making babies for Jesus and any chance for success in life is over and done. Her next stop is a fundy wedding where the bride takes her

Night of the Lepus? Really?

Trendy Abrams hating hipsters in 3...2...1....

LOL. Yeah. Laser "pointer" that, given the manufacturers track record will put a hole in the projection screen it's pointing at.

The same way we respond to other allies with nukes?

The track is available online. The windows were fogged at 30K feet, IIRC. So, loss of cabin pressure and asphyxiation would be my guess. If you look at the plot it's dead level then airspeed drops and it climbs and starts oscillating up and down while orbiting.

I grew up in the USAF. For three years we were at Nellis. During recess, everything froze when an SR71 would land. It was awesome. This was around 1980.

Don't taunt the hipsters....

And that is why it is AWESOME.

Any decent av shop online will get it for you. Not a big deal.