
What country do you live in? Not the USA. Next time the cops will remember to plant some weed on him then confiscate the lambo and auction it off to pad their budget. For the children of course, and DARE.

Yeah. I R Dumb. Doh.

There's only one GM vehicle I want and it's built down under. Talk to the hand.

Ahhh, glad to see the trendy hate for Legacy continues.

Wow, look, it's an invasion of Comics Book Guy and his hipster allies letting us all know how much they don't like this post. How riveting. Yes, we know, you were doing better 3D before 3D was cool. How special for you.

Seems to be channeling Howard Shore with a dash of Zimmer. His last name is Christ. His middle name is "Fucking" named after the Austrian village of the same name.

That guy in the funny hat... he did a special with James Cameron years ago about The Exodus. It was slick, entertaining and well produced. But as I am not a historian I could not judge it on its merits. Sad to hear this guy is allegedly a fraud.

Crappy medical staff for the TMFL.

IE: when under power it is under acceleration. It's it less predictable. Small changes in throttle can yield large errors in prediction. Once boost is complete and it is fully ballistic and un-powered it can be tracked to a high level of accuracy.

Sigh. Yeah. It moves your "chi", Obi-Wan. Every one of those studies comes with so many caveats as to render them pointless.

IT was NOT "Windows" that hurt CBM. It was inept headship that cut R&D and insisted of pushing out mediocre upgrades when the PC side of things was full throttle on moores law.

bob_d FTW.

Ambulance chasing lawyer strike squad GO! in 3...2...1....

Plate tectonics denial 'tard in 3...2...1...

The power of the imaginary sky man compels you!

How is he "benefiting" from it? Cameron pushed the state of the art forward on his own dime following his own passion for adventure and exploration of the sea.

NO. Phase Two blows goats. Sorry. I watched one ep by these guys ages ago and it had the Enterprise doing barrel rolls and skidding through space like a rally car.

MC7+ Media Browser+ MadVR +MPC-HC+dual Ceton tuners. Does it all.

Neeson is too great to have his career nerfed by slumming it for cash. He works hard and whatever he's in is better for it.