
THIS. Good luck with figuring out what the different trim levels are. I had to Google it because Toyota's site was so steeped in fail.

SR71 did not have a ramjet.

Toyota. Their configurator SUCKS.

THIS. A bunch of fucking whiners.

"Oh! And then every single app in the entire store would have to be redesigned. Another, giant, flaming no-no."

And of course:

Thin mountain air is a bitch.

Yes, it's OK because other assholes do it.

AFAIK, correct. You get to play whatever Apple supports. MP4. Hope you like MP4.

And the disappearing logo after the edit. Total CGI shenanigans.

Equip law enforcement with GPS jammer detection tools and then suspend/revok the licenses of those caught using jammers.

So. You can blow up armor with a propane torch you picked up at home depot?

Yep. You have two options:

I really wish stories like this would get plastered on the front pages of MSM papers and web sites...

Yeah. I'm sweating from my eyes. The Internets are hard work.

It's what happens where there is a for profit prison industry and law enforcement is allowed to seize assets without trial, charges or due process if it's "drug related."

So, they got anti aliasing on the new one. Woot? Or it's upscaled/supersampled.

Any software engineer at a movie that has "hacking" in it.

Correct. This is a map of the observable universe rather than the entire universe.

Sigh. If you actually go to the web sites for these schools you will find computing as part of the program. There is no aversion to tech at Waldorf schools nor any luddite leanings.