
Hey, there. This is an excellent piece on a critical topic: exactly the kind of blog for which we visit Jezebel. And yet, in two hours, there are eight replies. A few years ago, there would have been hundreds. And I think that this is because the ‘grays’ are leaving in droves: there doesn’t seem to be any mechanism

Although I’ve never worked for PPA (and it is my dream job), I’m honestly not surprised. I’ve worked for a handful of allegedly progressive, non-profit organizations, and they all operate very similar to what was outlined in this article.

Yeah, that was the first one I saw, and it totally seems like it. 

Should be called “The Sociopath Handbook.”

Feign honesty’ and ‘Let your victims feel smarter’ among a few of them that were immediately apparent from the Sociopath’s Field Guide!

That 48 laws of power thing might be the must sad and pathetic thing I have read all year.

So he's doing his own "Surrender To Recover", from that 48 nonsense... 

I bet it’s hard to tell when a racist is hiring you.

OOOOOH STFU, some of us dont have the luxury of simply leaving a job and not being able to pay for our daily/weekly/monthy/yearly expenses because of some racist POS prick asshole slime bucket trash rat that works there and happens to be your boss thinks it’s perfectly ok to say and do racist stuff. He encountered a

If you subject yourself to something you know doesn’t respect you its harder for me to have sympathy, especially when the only time you choose to comment about it is after you’ve stopped being paid.

I repeat, nearly every major company is housing racists.

If you subject yourself to something you know doesn’t respect you its harder for me to have sympathy.

Not everybody has the luxury of just quitting their job. Do…do you somehow not know that?

Anyone that has a sobbing meltdown over waiting for fast food needs to have their gun removed and to have their fitness for duty evaluated. 

I don’t think his response was predicated on surprise about white people being racist. I think he’s surprised that a Black Lives Matter protest would take place in Bethel. I could be wrong, but I find it hard to believe that Chief Teague is surprised by the racists in his state.

Can we take a moment to talk about dog park Karen’s “apology.” She knew what she was doing. Her excuse that she didn’t makes me hate her more. She doubled down, in her apology she’s trying to make herself the victim again. She’s earned everything that has come her way. And I’m tired of them bringing out out the tired

Here’s where I very unkindly point out that a great deal of his base may be dead by November if they keep up their disbelief in science and medicine and facts and shit. 

As long as Trump’s base continues to believe he’s an instrument of “God’s will,” nothing will shake their faith in him.

Can confirm that racist-ass white people like to use the definition of racism as a defense against accusation of racism.

Also from Tom Morello. Pretty sure “davez67" is former House Speak Paul Ryan: