

Pug.  And good morning!

I’m fine with that. Essentially every single person (other than the media) that will attend one of his rallies was always going to vote for him anyway. It's not like 2016, where some otherwise ignorant & innocent undecideds might have attended & then gone "full Trump". He can have as many rallies as he likes, but

White Americans can’t imagine not having the police force as it is, because they are the Amy Coopers who don’t think of themselves as racist but are also terrified of PoC and poor people and will weaponize the police against anyone they fear even in moments where they don’t feel truly threatened. Going from that

I predict it is the hardened 25% who will never vote Democrat and who honestly spend more time hating any US ethnic minority than they spend time trying to improve their own lives.

I had people telling me that Joe needs to pick a Republican as VP for “unity”. Oh really? Republicans get to pick the craziest, most extreme right wing nutters who refuse to come to the table even on legislation that helps them in order to “own the libs”. And now that we have the most centrist Dem candidate one could

When Trump gets reelected, remember, it’s because all the moderate asshats in the Democratic party banded behind Joe Biden based on the votes of Southern Democrats who contribute zero electoral college votes in November, yet you’ll blame progressives.

I have a really bad feeling that’s not the case.  I’m 100% prepared for a second term.  Now is not the time to have even the slightest overconfidence that this is going to work out the way we want.

You can have all of that and still get shot just for doing the right thing.....

TFA doesn’t mention it, but I am 100% sure the car buyer was a white guy. If it had been a POC the Laredo Sherriff’s Department would have sprained their wrists patting themselves on the back over their, “massive drug bust.”

“I envision my two grandfathers, who fought for this country during World War II, one in the Army and one in the Marine Corp. Both risking their lives to protect our country and to try to make our country and this world a better place. [And I envision how they came back to the U.S. and were greeted as heroes! To this

I think some kind of deeper and more regular psychological testing for any field/beat officers and detectives would be good for everyone. Reducing the stigma of burnout or PTSD if someone needs a change in role. Weeding out people with chips on their shoulders (there are lots of psych tests already developed for

Oh, they thought it through.

It never was about how good Kaepernick is. All those football guys can miss me with their stats bullshit. That argument fell apart the moment teams decided that they’d rather sign the walk-ons that got cut from the practice squad and tried coaxing senior citizens out of retirement after their starting QB’s got their

yes, where the FUCK are the Dems. Where the FUCK are the rows & rows of peaceful demonstrators that can lock arms and walk/stand united. Right now, the demonstrations are unorganized bands of people that look & act like half informed flash mobs. The demonstrations need organization and they need specific messaging and

Once again, Trump proves himself to be a complete imbecile. You can trot out the military to try a quell a popular uprising. And it might even work for awhile. Once the ideas are in the air, though...well...they don’t just evaporate.

He thinks he’s the king of the USA. The king doesn’t have to acknowledge anyone else but himself.

This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.

Luckily there is no possible way for this feature to be abused.

I bought my first gaming chair about 3 years ago now. I’m 6'4", and most office setups (besides a standing desk) are uncomfortable; the table is too low, the chair forced to be lower than I want in order to avoid my knees being slammed into the bottom of the desk top, and I figured if I spent a couple hours a night at