
I have no idea how guilty or not Ghosn is, but uhhhhh yeah, innocent people with the means and ability absolutely DO run if they think the justice system they are subject to isn’t gonna give them a fair trial.

Carlos Ghosn a patriot?

my instinct with the China bullshit is to say “OK tough guy president, when are you going to make them pay for this offense?”, but then I remember the ONLY possible thing Dipshit could possibly do to make the economic situation *worse* would be to start another inane and unwinnable “tariff war” with China.  Jesus is

Your story is disgusting and I am sorry that you endured that dehumanizing treatment from someone who was supposed to help you reach your potential. Your struggles remind me of the old adage: children will forget the things you teach them, but they'll never forget the way that you treat them.

That’s the one. I usually avoid it for that reason but they often report on local things that aren’t picked up elsewhere or have more details than the newspaper and tv stations. At least the writers and management try to be evenhanded but yeah, most of the commenters are trash.

Small world, isn't it? I grew up in Chapin. My dad still lives there. I assume the local news source you are referring to is fitsnews? 80% of the commenters on that site would fit in perfectly with the grey shitheads that crawl around here. Glad your kids didn't have to be in his class. 

Your view is inaccurate or incomplete. White supremacy very simply put is the belief that white people are inherently better than their non-white counterparts. Because they are better in their view, systematic support is established to provide access in opportunities and privileges based solely upon the belief of

A Trump supporter referring to another country’s government as being run by “thugs” is blatant projection 

Slight correction: You overestimate how many White folks know and even care about the Mexican American war because it disrupts their chosen narrative about their place vs. others.

Nazis based a lot of their methods on how America dealt with the native population, the slaves, and the American eugenics movement.

You overestimate how many White folks even know about the Mexican American war.

This is thoroughly appalling but entirely unsurprising; the justice system is as broken and corrupt as everything else in the U.S.

I have always found it interesting that Germany- a country that started 2 world wars - will not allow the use of swastikas, nazi paraphernalia or ss memorabilia in the country. They are also not allowed to erect statues or memorials in memory of Hitler, Goebbels or any other popular nazi that might adorn racist

They’re literally like children running around shouting a new phrase they heard.

If you’re interested an academic look at just how powerful the police in this nation are:

Okay, well, if that’s the case, that “natural anomaly” seemed to engage an F-18 while it attempted to intercept and match it turn for turn before increasing its altitude and returning to the spot of the original CAP.

Not only would they ask for a decent wage, they’d leave if they felt that they weren’t treated right

During WWII, America faced a shortage of nearly everything because it was all needed to support the war effort. To help keep things in stock and still support the troops, the federal government imposed rationing. Heads of households (and single individuals) would receive a ration book every month which carried a

From Wikipedia:

Yes. Capitalism uses such language to shift the burden away from those who wield money and power onto the everyone else, so the failures can’t be pinned on them. Even going as far as making it sound like a moral failing, as you pointed out, which is so insidious and cynical. Because what if people really started to