You call him “fat,” I just call him “calorically embiggened.”
No one overestimates how funny they are like white dudes because they usually only vet their retarded ass jokes with each other then act shocked when only other meathead white dudes think theyre funny
thats because those mfs have a lot of black in them they hate to admit. ask the sicilians . when the moors came through there centuries ago , who do you think they slept with. and why do you think they are darker and have curly hair. also the northern part of rome was occupied by black armies b4 they abandoned it and…
I don’t get this shit. I really don’t. Moving a table of paying customers for one?
This is what it looks like when you give a rural police force Army equipment and no reason to use it.
Dude, such fucking cowardice from those spineless fucks!
So no more comments on Deadspin?? Spanfeller and his cronies are some sensitive ass losers! What the fuck is that shit?? Hey Jim, FUCK. YOU.
Deadspin forever. Fuck Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment
Just another mediocre guy who failed upward and is destroying everything successful he touches. I would hope his career is over after this, but he will probably be promoted to something even bigger
I graduated high school in Detroit in 1979. Let me tell you a story.
Dear Deadspin’s overlords:
As someone who was once part of a similar insurrection against arrogant, incompetent, and condescending management, I want to applaud all of y’all for today’s showing. I’m sure you’re simultaneously enjoying the fun of mutiny while also understanding the risk. Please also know how much it means to us here in the feebl…
The world’s a little scarier outside of them rallies, dickhead.
Booing a bad president is good. Booing autoplay ads and bad media owners is also good!
Looks like someone got fed up and flung a loaf of bread dough at her.