Didn’t realize Jez was a site that doesn’t take stalking seriously. Thanks for setting everyone straight. Expectations officially adjusted.
Didn’t realize Jez was a site that doesn’t take stalking seriously. Thanks for setting everyone straight. Expectations officially adjusted.
Because that’s what we should take from this 🙄
Step back. Her color and her former profession do not matter. But this is supposedly a feminist site. One would think a moment in feminist history would be relevant.
That’s a lovely pic of Rick Moranis Fred Armisen, but what does he have to do with this article?
Because R. Kelly’s victims don’t matter in America.
That’s a lovely pic of Rick Moranis, but what does he have to do with this article?
Oh, so I was right, you are trash. Thanks for the clarification!
Wow, fuck you. This comment is totally inappropriate.
I feel sorry for the Musk Man. That’s actually the kin of stain on you life that even a billion dollars can’t fix.
I mean sure you can keep your card, I guess I just don’t see the point in being ugly about the looks of other women but I can see it’s important to you, have at it! Wouldn’t dream of depriving you of that.
I don’t give a shit if she got work done. She looks amazing and works hard for that figure, I’m sure. Get it, Britney. Get. It.
He’s going after black & brown people.
So, he’s gonna be going after the Sacklers and the American Medical Association?
Henri is pissed they took his ennui.
That’s a fair view I think.
It’s a very privileged thing to do to just stop working.
Journalists walking out of a feminist website read largely by women, who come here to feel less alone and despairing, feels like a misguided and somewhat punitive farce, negatively affecting all the wrong people.
I’m not a Devin fan but I’ve enjoyed him the last couple of episodes only because he gets under Johnny’s skin.
I feel like male actors get to make a LOT more than 2 critically meh/financially unsuccessful movies before people start questioning whether their careers are over or ruined. Especially if that actor’s resume includes being the lead in a successful franchise and an Oscar win (among three other nominations). Jennifer…
Well then I DEFINITELY don’t want her to fucking run. I am in no way voting for a president who thinks god, who is not real, actually speaks to them. The last thing we need is more fucking religion in positions of authority.