comma implied

As the headline suggests, I thought she literally covered her tracks with a bike--as if to obscure her footprints in the dirt when she cut the course.

Agreed. Dialog lacking any real nuance is what keeps Nolan films (like Interstellar and Inception) from being all time greats in my book. I often wonder how those films would turn out if someone like Jeff Nichols was given writing duties.

What is a more annoying take: that good shit is bad or that bad shit is good?

Was that a cameo? I think Damon got way too much screen time to for that to be considered a cameo.

I also identify as a Duke fan (since ‘94). I think one year is long enough to gain some national hate. Austin Rivers was the number one option for that ‘11-’12 team, and his face was mighty punchable.

Austin Rivers. Singler did not have enough of a personality to be an asshole. And yes, Grant Hill was a sweetheart.


Very true. I’d definitely watch a Buck-Nuggets finals. Then again, I have terrible time management skills.

Remember when Andrew Wiggins and Jabari Parker entered college at the same time, and the knock on Jabari was that he wasn’t very athletic? Sure, he’s not “athletic” when compared to a freak like Wiggins (who is so damn bouncy it looks like he’s hoopin’ on the moon). But once Jabari got healthy and shed some

Why such hostility against The Starters?

So so beautiful!

I considered buying a used one for the wife recently, until I did some research on part availability. ‘Tis a shame. What a cool looking car.

Dang. I’m going to be a tad late.

Jahlil Okafor. What do I win?

Go Rhinos!

Rachel Weisz, indeed! And the experience is definitely enhanced by repeat viewings, which certainly isn’t for everyone (especially those with short attention spans).

The Fountain soundtrack is absolutely incredible. So haunting and brilliant. I know the film is quite polarizing, but it’s one of my all-time faves. The fact that it is so personal to Aranofsky and yet mostly shat upon by critics has always been fascinating to me.

Yes, and he turned many cheeks.

And Type B looks like it just heard its parents’ car pull into the driveway a day earlier than expected.

The look on the haters’ faces...