Because if it’s one thing we know Trump has is a refined sense of style. I assume what he really means is federal buildings need more faux gold and marble flooring and golden toilets.
Because if it’s one thing we know Trump has is a refined sense of style. I assume what he really means is federal buildings need more faux gold and marble flooring and golden toilets.
I love the LOTR extended editions, there is so much material and it makes the movies richer however for The Hobbit everything is padding. The river scene and goblin town scenes really highlight the problems.
This looks like the logo for a mid 90's shitty syndicated space show. I can’t believe this space force is something they have put so much effort into. Corona virus is taking over America, ah fuck that, Trump likes space ships and pew pew so let’s do that.
I’m not religious but I understand the idea of the community of a church. What I don’t understand are these megachurches with people donating so pastor’s can have private jets etc. For people supposedly there to build a house of worship , but living in million dollar mansions and worse this is off the backs of hard…
Its one of those movies that seems to have 2 endings and go on longer then it should. The best example I can think of for me is Crocodile Dundee II. The movie feels like it’s about 3 hours long because once the embassy or whatever is happening is done, there is a whole other section that takes place in Australia.
I have to say I did enjoy A Perfect Murder. It was a pretty decent movie.
I think that sounds about right, seeing as she is listed in the main credits but only appears briefly.
The Fugitive is one of those movies where everything works, the script, editing and score as well as the actors and direction are top notch. Andrew Davis never really directed anything as strong as this again. I can see where it got a best picture node, I wouldn’t call it flashy but it’s a solidly made movie.
I feel bad for him, he was genuinely an interesting character, as opposed to the 4th or 5th sister that appeared to keep Ali Larter around. Heroes after the 1st season , was a complete mess.
It’s also telling that they have never been able to replicate the feel of the future war as successfully as in that sequence.
One thing you have to agree on Cameron is that there are very few directors who have the ability to put their budgets on screen. A 200 million Cameron movie looks vastly more expensive then say a 200 million Abrams movie.
Ricochet wasn’t that a staple on TBS back in the 90's?
So let me see if I can figure out this conspiracy. Dominion voting machines had an algorithm to switch votes from Trump to Biden, this was done by transmitting the votes to Germany, but this only worked in the 4 states Biden one and not the other states where Dominion machines were. Also somehow a bunch of paper…
I will disagree and say I think in terms of Harry Potter, POA is the best Williams Harry Potter score.
I’m not a fan of pre A New Hope shows but I do like the exploration of the time post Return of the Jedi. I think it’s a far more interesting set of story possibilities with the building of a new republic etc. Honestly the worst part of the sequel trilogy was the world building. Abrams did a terrible job setting up…
In my opinion Lucas’ directing got worse with each episode. The fight between Palpatine and the few jedi who come to arrest him is the sloppiest looking scene in any Star Wars movie.
I think Chamber of Secrets is stronger then the 1st one. It’s a bit long but does feel like a novel on film. Visually it’s stronger and has much better visual effects.
Columbus gets a lot of credit for the casting and setting up the world, but his visual direction is so dull and uninspiring. Even resorting to a standard straight shot of the kids screaming like something out of Home Alone. I think the script of Azkaban was too lean but visually it really was a huge jump in quality.…
I think for me the best looking Spiderman movie is Amazing Spiderman 2. The use of shooting in New York makes a huge difference to the feel of the movie. It’s a mess of a movie for sure but it has a scope that none of the other Spiderman movies seem to have matched visually.
I think my main issue with the Raimi movies, is I feel like the main cast are not right for their parts. I never felt like Toby, Dunst or Franco fit the parts. For me Toby is too much Clark Kent rather then Peter Parker and doesn’t really embrace Spiderman’s cockyness when in the mask. Dunst didn’t have the energy…