
I was impressed they didn’t retcon the 5 year gap. I think it was the right story move to not erase that period of time, it actually gave the snap consequences. 

Looking in from Canada, am I the only one that thinks it’s a mistake if the Democrats go with Biden?

As popular as it is to blame the Studio for Age of Ultron, I think the majority of what doesn’t work can be laid at Whedon’s feet. Ultron doesn’t come across as menacing and way too much script real estate is spent on trying to subvert our expectations on Hawkeye getting killed off.

The final season of Lost was sort of like the Star Wars Prequels, where the creators seemingly had no idea what it was that people enjoyed about there creation. The entire series of Lost was about the mystery, the happy ending with all the characters going into the beyond together felt unearned and completely out of

This doesn’t work because health insurance costs aren’t based on wages, it’s based on age etc. You don’t need car insurance if you don’t own a vehicle, but everyone needs healthcare. It will forever baffle me the attitude of America when it comes to healthcare. Living in Canada, I have supplemental insurance but it

I find the dual lane drive thru’s purpose seems to be just to get vehicles off the road , instead of backing up, most times they still only take one order at a time. It doesn’t seem to actually make anything faster. Also the screens to confirm your order are basically useless , at least where I live they are rarely

The disappointing part of the Defenders is how low budget it seemed.

I don’t think the issue with the CGI was money, I think it was time issues, I’m hoping the next movie improves on this issues

As a non-reader of the books, up until this episode I wasn’t really sure if GOT was going to actually have any fantasy elements in it. 

Why exactly did Trump randomly start attacking McCain this weekend?

I think it’s mostly his disdain for his father’s obsession. Indy does really seem to want to find the Grail later in the movie.

I think it’s need to be said, I don’t think the goal of the Avengers isn’t to punch out Thanos, but to right the world back to pre Snap

The daytime scenes in the City look like they shot it in the Asia area of Animal Kingdom. I don’t think Ritchie was really the right person to handle this style of movie. His King Arthur movie had the same low budget look as well.

I know this is something that’s probably been going on for years, but doesn’t this devalue the education of these institutions? 

Who is that in the pic with Bill Macy, because that doesn’t look like Felicity Huffman

Here is what I can’t understand, Republicans are hell bent against abortion, must protect the fetus at all costs, but if they are born with a pre existing condition well too bad.

I think that’s the strength of the MCU over previous Marvel and even DC efforts. The casting is the 2nd MVP of the MCU after Feige. It’s why I’m looking forward to the MCU X-men and Fantastic Four. The Fox movies did a great job with Jackman, Fassbender, Mcavoy and Stewart, but almost everyone else seemed wrong for

Personally I think the 1st Deadpool is highly overrated. It essentially is the highway fight spaced out over almost the entire movie. I get the character of Deadpool is supposed to be over the top but I think it just comes across as annoying. I vastly prefer Deadpool 2, maybe because the action is better and Deadpool

I guess looking at this it seems to me it’s very easy to discount any criticism of Israel as being antisemitic rather then take a look at the issues.

I mean I have heard the comments she has made and I really don’t see how they could be consider anti-sematitic. I guess maybe I don’t understand the scope of the issues in Israel.