At least he is just writing it.
At least he is just writing it.
I think it just goes to show that Lucas had good ideas but his ideas were refined and put in check but others. The way Vader looks in Empire is a testament to the cinematographer Peter Suschitzky, both Empire and A New Hope had quality cinematographers that gave distinct looks to the movies. It’s a shame that Lucas…
I was under the impression this would be a bigger budget then your average TV show, but outside of Robyn’s costume it looks like a fan film.
It looks exciting , not like a Bryan Singer movie at all
Netflix needs better quality control when it comes to adding original content. The seem to buy up any garbage that’s available. Netflix big strength is that it’s a stable application that provides great streaming quality. Not every streaming service is as technically stable. I don’t know why there aren’t more classic…
I agree with the 1st 20 mins being fantastic, I don’t know if aged well is the right term, it was never really that spectacular after that 1st 20 mins or so. There isn’t alot past that part that’s very interesting to rewatch.
Personally I think alot of the praise for X-men had to do with it not being a cheap direct to video piece of crap. Anyone who grew up with Marvel knows that while DC had Superman the Movie and Batman 89, we were stuck with either cheap 70's tv shows or the Dolph Lundgren Punisher and the horrible 1990 rubber eared…
Little Baby bum is the worst, take 25 versions of Wheels on the Bus and add some early 90's computer animation and throw it on netflix
Lost World is Spielberg when you can tell he has very little interest in making the movie.
I would say if anything Batman and Robin is a “better” movie then Batman Forever. B&R’s tone is pretty consistent even if it is crap unlike BF which is trying to be both campy and an extension of the Burton movies.
I think you have to look at it too , 1995 was a pretty sad year for Blockbuster movies Batman Forever was the biggest grossing movie that summer with about 185 million. The year before and the year after produced multiple movies with over 200 million. While it was successful it just barely made more then Batman…
He just plain looks to old to be Robin, Bruce treats him like a teenager but he looks like he is early 20's.
I find Vertical Limit jarring, it goes wildly from stunning locations to obvious indoor sets. Martin Campbell always seems to swing wildly in both directions, Casino Royale, Golden Eye, Mask of Zorro and then stuff like Green Lantern, Legend of Zorro and Vertical Limit.
It’s amazing that the Russo’s and Markus and McFeeley have such a handle on the characters. They are obviously fans of comics, as they are able to have the characters be truer to their comic book personalities then even some of the solo movies.
I think we all should have learned by now that never bet against James Cameron. It is strange how Avatar, as big as it was never really had a lasting impact on pop culture. That being said it’s still a pretty well realized movie as opposed to say Jurassic World which somehow grossed a ton of money and was like a piece…
I think somewhere along the way Playboy forgot this and it ended up just being the same cookie cutter blondes. While the internet did play a role in it’s downfall, the book became less the girl next door.
Not sure how I feel about this , Abrams is going to have to let go of his mystery box gimmick and not have so many call backs to previous movies.
I’m ok with this, I thought Jurassic World was bland as can be. It’s too bad too because that movie had a talented cast, and a pretty decent hook to have a fully functioning park. They didn’t spend enough time exploring the park before it all fell apart. It’s also pretty blandly shot, it really makes you appreciate…