Dame sans merci

So, I’m sure this has been said before (Firefox only sometimes loads comments, fuck kinja, etc etc), but there is some feeling that this is a dumb show masquerading as a smart show, right? I’ve watched it from the start, and it has so many of the trappings of social commentary and allegory without effectively landing

Good thing I’d seen the B grade before going in, but this is a C- if I’d ever seen one.

So with just 1 episode remaining, I guess it’s pretty obvious that Bernard and Stubbs are not going to do anything really of any importance. 

Sigh. The new, engaging ‘Westworld’ has sadly reverted back to the bland, vague, and needlessly convoluted old ‘Westworld’.

Maybe it was the PoI nostalgia, but Enrico Colantoni managed to be more compelling in this guest spot than most actors on the show.

Yeah, definitely Team Thandie for me.  

So with just 1 episode remaining, I guess it’s pretty obvious that Bernard and Stubbs are not going to do anything really of any importance. And the show has completely ruined William, a sentiment that Ed Harris fully shares, as he’s stated in interviews that he really hates season 3...

POI was never hacky. It stayed true to its vision the whole way through. It was a little dull at points, especially early on, sure. And it was far closer to perfection than this. Westworld has no vision, and the dialogue is more ear-splitting than most CBS dialogue.

I know I’m going to take heat for this, but I’ve never felt Aaron Paul was that great of an actor to begin with—-even in Breaking Bad. This series, he’s been extremely one dimensional as you pointed out. I just don’t get anything from his performance.

So now the show is even more “Person Interest with Robots”.

I said last week that this was a Good Dumb Show; What hit me tonight is that this show is exactly what would happen if Christopher Nolan was making movies from his brother’s scripts that ran about 5 hours too long and has to goose its budget in the process. Slick, assured, high-minded - but when you have to dig into

This season has basically flipped over in a ditch on the side of the road. The underbelly is exposed, the wheels are spinning slowly and it may all go up in flames. All’s left is to wait for the tow truck to haul this shit to the junk yard.


Sorry, but I thought the plot developments revealed this episode were dumb and I couldn’t suspend my disbelief. So they’re living in a totalitarian world where any “outliers” are killed or captured and reprogrammed? How many are there in a world population I’m assuming is close to our own (or even significantly lower)

Man this episode was so cliche and predictable, that I just started talking with a friend about good films Vincent Cassel was in.  I said the Mesrine gangster films are pretty damn fun.  The conversation wss more fun.

That was an incredibly boring and underwhelming car chase.

Also, the Genre drug was neat in concept, but rather muddled in execution.

Also, not much really happened when everyone was given access to their Incite storylines. I was expecting more people jumping out of windows or self-crashing into things.

Did the genre trip serve any actual plot or character purpose? Otherwise it didn’t feel weird or inventive enough to be interesting (one of the trips was simply hackneyed Wagner). Couldn’t help comparing it in my head to Watchmen’s far superior drug trip episode a few months ago.

Bit of a stinker for me. Everything seemed ham fisted and lacked the subtly this show usually displays. Genre stuff was dumb, action scene lacked any thrills, and just beat us over the head with already established themes.

Yeah this isn't working for me.  If the best you can do is make Jesse Pinkman high and change the filter then boy are you not trying.  Also why the Shining theme out of nowhere?  It didn't fit the scene nor feel earned.  I want to enjoy this season but its just doing nothing.  Best it could do was play a sweet violin