Dame sans merci

...and they didn’t even lean into that ‘flourish’ - they really half arsed it! 

That was the bullet he shot himself with, not a screw!

As of the end of the season, Dolores was back in her original body and there was an unknown person inhabiting Charlotte’s body.

Apparently HBO were happy to allow as many episodes as needed. It was the showrunners who wanted to wrap it up quicker.

Jaime would be head of house Lannister with Cersei dead - he’s older than Tyrion, and can now inherit, having been removed from the Kingsguard.

That should be Dolores Roach, not Road, unless they’re renaming it.

The ‘still watching’ podcast has been doing a countdown of the best GOT episodes, and interviewed the show’s production designer: the fake snow seems to have been the absolute bane of her life...

Having read the script for the Triangle pilot, it is a hilarious mess that defies description. 

I saw the suggestion that this was a nomination on the basis of people understanding that the editor in question was working under difficult circumstances and without the director to refer to...but then they mentioned on ‘The Hollywood read’ podcast that Singer was apparently invited back to help out in the editing

No kidding on Dorff. As I watch him in this, I just find myself wondering ‘where the hell has he been all these years?’. I expected Ali to be fantastic, but Dorff has been a revelation.

Nam is gay himself, so i’d be surprised if he’d sign up for the role if that were the case.

Okay, I am rarely into love triangles, but this is the mature foxy triangle of my dreams. HOT DAMN.

I gave up on Riverdale last season because...well, because it was utterly ludicrous in a bad way, but I find myself oddly pleased that Alice and FP are now apparently a thing...

I saw it on a plane, and my boyfriend had to shush me repeatedly as I couldn’t stop laughing out loud at its utter awfulness. It was just...atrocious on every level.

Looking at those ‘Legends of tomorrow’ photos makes me feel like I made a HUGE mistake in giving up on the show...what is this glorious madness?

They tried out a 10 episode season for Iron Fist season 2, and it was a bit improvement - none of that midseason sagginess they tended to get previously.

Oh no Westworld, you don’t get me back that easily. You and I both know that within 2 episodes you’ll have poor Aaron Paul making lofty, inexplicable speeches based around the content of undergrad philosophy classes, before unceremoniously and needlessly killing him off. I am on to you, show.

I just keep remembering how distraught at the result I was when I happened to be in the US for a business trip during the election, and my American colleagues were all ‘hee, silly girl, the candidates are really much of a muchness’. They just didn’t see what they’d let into power.

That’s...not how sizing for stand-ins works. It wouldn’t be for Tom Holland.