
Well, sure. But just the boys. The girls should just stay home sewing Confederate flags.

They don’t consider girls to be people so that’s a nonstarter.

That’s VHS bootleg thinking in a Bittorrent world.

How’s that even related

But if you don’t get that $1200, doesn’t it mean that you’re on the flight you originally booked and you don’t need to adjust your plans? That’s a small victory in itself.

That alias is amazing.

Do you live in the United States? Because if so, you can fuck off with your fantasies. It’s a lot cheaper and easier to get a gun than affordable healthcare, especially for mental issues.

“What, you think you’re better than me? Fuckin’ robot with your computer brain and shit. Take THAT! And THAT! Who’s cryin’ now, huh? BOOP, BEEP, BOOP, BEEP. FUCK YOU!”

I pictured this exact thing. Some guy in an Eagles jersey kicking the robot for no reason.

Why do people even buy that ugly shit?

You know how Americans are, Andrew. They all love to travel, and then they only want to meet other Americans and talk about how those foreign rental cars don’t have enough cup holders, and they can’t get a decent hamburger in Nairobi.

Never even crossed my mind to check if I could change the font. Just don’t care that much. Figured others didn’t either. It’s fucking email.

TLC called for new reality show

How old are his daughters, btw? Just wondering which one will be blessing him with a grandchild while still in high school first.

Why are the people most determined to reproduce always the last people who should be reproducing?

Good for you. Way to protect yourself from unnessary excitement.

Think it’s funny that Mikulski thinks she knows technology, yet at home she’s probably more like

Seriously, this ‘modesty’ nonsense needs to stay in the 1800s where it belongs. Don’t like short skirts? Don’t fucking wear one. There! I just solved a major life problem for you!

This is significantly better than anything I am currently capable of producing. I’m equal parts impressed and embarrassed...

$300 is cheap when you're talking off-contract devices, especially when flagship devices costs upwards from $650. $100 won't get you anything worthwhile. $200 should be the median for overall mid-range phones that can be categorized as cheap.