
….if they have that kind of an arrangement, sure.

I am pretty sure there are enough human babies to go around

why do you care so much about these unborn babies anyway

“End up with one of them being pregnant, they should probably have to deal with that mistake for at least the 9 months leading up to giving it up for adoption”

OK, just to be clear. This IS for weed, right?

because of their stupidity.

I resurrected 5th Gen the other day. Still works. Amazing. So much Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, Arcade Fire and Broken Social Scene. FREAKING TIME MACHINE, MAN

sideway pistol style

but missiles and guns are different though - we are not always trying to blow someone up

…more like interviewing this kid to produce these for the military

ughhhh yeah my high school ex went totally psycho (like doing drugs with mental problems kind, not “she being a pscyho”) and it’s actually kind of embarrassing when I run into old friends “hey man so what happened to….” “dude. no”

Is that a picture of a Windows phone

I remember when people were trying to do this shit with Second Life or whatever that thing was called….

considering they are opposing sects, chance = slim

well she’ll be dead soon so I guess it’s not a big concern for her

It’s cuz homophobes are gay and they think it’s bad (due to like what jesus said or whatever) whereas just normal gay people are like whatever man

Seriously…. This goes for not believing in evolution, abortion, gay marriage, etc…

a guy who begs for it. that’s who.

If you are poor don’t spend money on wedding? Courthouse does one for like $35