
Apple died with Steve Jobs

woah what? i’m talking about homophobes

Nah it’s like dude why do you care that much about gay marriage only people who give a shit (and not gay) that much are closet gays

basically whenever someone posts shit like this I’m like “ok.. this guy is gay”

for any product target audience is never “everyone”.

Hmm… so… you are “clearly” their target audience if they are making a movie full of female comedians even though you don’t find female comedians funny?

...then don’t watch it? you are not their target audience

but aren’t international sports competitions about sports not profit (for example, every single olympics)

if you were dumb enough not to vaccinate your kid they kinda deserve that shit (but don’t let MY kids get sick, you dumb fucks)

this suitcase is only useful for the homeless

shit gets weird when you’re in the closet you know

they gonna gay orgy on top of Reagan’s dead body!!!! DARK TIMES. DANK MEMES.

I do mind people double parking. But parking lots I go to are rarely empty. (I live in a city)

woah, really? never noticed it. then again, don’t play much historical games

Hey cabbies - if you don’t want people to take Uber then don’t be so fucking terrible (and creepy)

bless her little heart

well yeah but

Yeah you can still display it on the back of your truck or in front of your house if you’d like no one stopping ya

Uhhhhh once again, that’s that “religious freedom” bullshit. Blacks aren’t asserting their ideals on people, it’s their right to be protected at least from the government institutions.