


yeah except like you can look around with your head

You just need digital receiver… Like what they did with TV a few years back. Calm down!

they got pockets to feed (of the people who are selling the state those metal wheels, that is)

how does it compare to VM

before we could say there is life and there is not we must define what LIFE IS first

One time I got pulled over with a car full of drugs with a drug dealer blasting metal in a school zone for going too fast and cop was like hahahahahahah I love this band slow down kids

It clicks in his racist brain

I need one of these

You have to be dumb to believe that stuff to begin with

always picking on the new kid

Statistics bro

Considering how many things they do get right - yeah, I'd say yeah.

because GOD hates Canada for socialism, and the gays

Yeah. I jailbreak all my phones and delete all the apps I never use.

I get 1080 right in the embed

Short film was awesome. This looks like shit. Gonna be dumb as fuck.

Wow. I'm not black, and that never crossed my mind. If that's what you got from reading "black lives matter" then you are seriously narcissistic.

Grand Dad Auto: Buick Edition