
The issue around criminalizing substance use during pregnancy is that 1) it supports personhood of the fetus, which flies in the face of being pro-choice, 2) it is not supported by science. Animal model studies show that light cocaine use is less harmful to the fetus than chronic stress or living in poverty. We will

If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.

This is the first Eddie match I’ve watched since he died (too many feelings) and I choose correctly, thanks guys! But, christ, if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing (not JUST by Jerry Lawler, I hear you good ol’ JR), this was a fucking highlight of my childhood where I knew as a (pretty ugly little

Yep. My “hot” 19 year old sister dates gross older men to network and get pretty things. She hates when people talk about how they’re “grooming” her or something, because she knows what the dynamic is and uses it to get something out of it also. He gets his arm piece and she gets nice shit and meets other rich people

And you've managed to entirely strip away the agency of this woman and every other woman he's dated by acting as though he's somehow forcing them into dating him. They are adult women who can make their own choices. They choose to date him.

I think this may be a new way to test for generational divides. If you find this video makes you nostalgic, you’re GenX. If you find it boring and kinda off-putting, you’re a millenial.

Quark is definitely underrated, but Garak gets my vote.

We adopted a super cool and amazing Great Dane 6 months ago. They had to remove most of her tail because of happy tail before we got her. She wags like a mother f’er, her whole back half goes crazy. And because why not here’s a bunch of pictures of my galoot

Seeing a Great Dane out and about is like winning the dog lottery. They. Are. The. Best.

Great Danes are gorgeous and lovely souls. However, I’ll argue (impartially of course*) that “Standard” can also mean the bar against which everything else should be measured.

*Totally partial, proud dog-parent to a Standard Poodle/Lab/Miscellaneous Hounds mix.

Poodle tails are padded, thankfully.

My parents’ last Dane whacked me in the eye with his tail one time and that fucking STUNG.

1) it’s “clear the shelters” weekend, so I’ve spent the last 24 hours or so looking at dogs to adopt. Dog owners! what’s your monthly budget like for dog expenses? because yes, I would love to adopt a dog, but I’m not 1000% sure I can afford it at this juncture.

Given the lifestyle Subaru tries to reflect, this won't be good for advertising.

Now playing

No matter what you might do, there’s always someone out there cooler than you.

Back in the 80s, a friend from college invited me to be her bridesmaid. We lived hundreds of miles from each other, and had only exchanged brief letters in the years since graduation. I shouldn’t have accepted, but I thought it would be fun to see her and the people we used to hang out with.

Mara Wilson gets me.

Oh and I forgot... Fuck you Ramzan Kadyrov.
