
I think the internet plays a huge role in this. We’re more aware of all the awful things happening in the world thanks to it. I feel like there was slightly more blissful ignorance before 2008ish or so.

Would it be any different if this happened a week from now, in 2017? I can’t wait until the whole “Fuck 2016" thing is over. Bad things never stop happening; 2016 isn’t unique in this sense.

I also think she has a friend board in her office. Like with headshots of all the people she’s considering. And she has a little bio and pro/con list under each of their pictures and she just considers it.

rooney mara is my spirit animal and I didn’t know it until just now

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

I’m sure there were many who thought “it’s going to have to be someone a bit more influential than a Hungarian Arch Duke shot by a Bosnian Serb to launch the world’s foremost powers into war” like, a whole fucking ton of people. And yet.

I agree completely. It didn’t really hit me until I saw the crew that volunteered to siege the beach and realized it was one woman and a ship full of men and it felt like old times again. It would have been nice for there to be women in that crew as well as flying the X-wings and so on. Also, as much as I love Riz and

My immediate thought was of Franz Ferdinand.

My husband loved Breaking Bad so much but that really isn’t my scene - I don’t do gritty, real-life dramas. I need some element of fantasy or I need it to be pure trash (reality tv). Happy binging!

Was supposed to go to a holiday party tonight, but after a longggg ass day/week of working retail, I could not face the thought of making small talk with people for one moment more. So now I am eating too much food and watching Christmas episodes of things. #introvertproblems

I’m the same as your guy so my advice to you is just give him a list of stuff you want or just tell him exactly what you want if you don’t care about a surprise.

That’s my husband. He doesn’t give two shits about gift giving (in part because he doesn’t care about things) and I’m always planning thoughtful and unexpected gifts for him. We’ve had many a fight in this department and I’ve just become resigned that that’s his flaw. It makes me sad and undervalued but I need to

San Francisco is awesome and will be fun regardless of whether or not he’s great. Do it!

Oh that sucks. I’m sorry. It is a big deal. I’m proud of you.

I mean, that ending on the planet, though. If there is such thing as a beautiful death, that is it. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything like it. The sea, the light...oh, that terrible light.

Agreed, 100%! We know how impossible the odds were for Luke in A New Hope to destroy the Death Star, but then to see how impossible it was to even get to that point in the first place? Very emotional.

But that is exactly the point. Like, we already have have a female lead, so gender diversity box is checked! Let’s maky every other character a man. That’s not how it works, women are 50%, so having less then a third of all speaking roles is a fucking disgrace. It should be jarring and obvious to everyone, and yet it

I guess, to me, it’s a sort of “bigger fish to fry” thing. Again, we can definitely point out that this film would have benefited from more prominent women roles, but A) it clearly takes steps in the right direction re: diversity, B) it features a female protagonist in the lead role, and C) acting like it’s not as

“This movie felt like a rebellion, like there were actual stakes...”

I loved this movie. I love the original trilogy but for movies based on a galactic rebellion against an evil empire, they are almost totally bloodless. This movie felt like a rebellion, like there were actual stakes, and the story felt realistic and beautiful and thankfully not the least bit superfluous. I was worried