Laci Green. Here is Kat Blaque (a person Green recently has called a sociopath for daring to criticize Green’s choices lately) video:
Laci Green. Here is Kat Blaque (a person Green recently has called a sociopath for daring to criticize Green’s choices lately) video:
The question is, do people like Amanita actually exist in this reality?
I just don’t understand why any celebrity thinks it’s a good idea to discuss social politics. The overwhelming majority of the time they just get slammed for it—do they all think they’re so exception that they’re going to be the ones to thread the needle?
Was it a clumsy analogy, sure, but it’s like the Winter is Coming, some people hear it all the time, so they live with it and confront it on a daily basis, other peoples have never been exposed to it, because of their climate privilege, but then they are exposed to all these snowflakes and OH MY GOD WINTER IS COMING,…
like a said a couple weeks ago: the best way to get ACTUAL healthcare reform in this country is to determine the health insurance coverage of the average constituent in each congressman’s district, then assign that coverage to that particular congressman. or force them to buy insurance on the individual market place.…
Yep, yep, yep, and yep again. Clothes-as-status (as differentiated from “attractive and potentially expensive clothing that makes a person feel good and express him/herself”) are worn by three types of people: people who need to pretend that they’re important, people who are invested in tradition in some way, and…
I’d love for Kamala Harris to run.
Oh, Winter’s Bone is good.
Also, dating another person isn’t about “having” who you want, it’s about spending time with someone and building a relationship that satisfies you both.
that’s the thing, anyone who’s hot enough KNOWS they’re hot enough and doesn’t have to run around saying shit about how they could have anyone because they know that everyone else already knows they could have anyone.
also, i got into an argument with someone the other day about how ‘green’ it is to live in a city and they were stuck on the pollution and i was like, yeah but i don’t contribute to it any of it. my carbon footprint in a year is your like monthly drive to work in your suburban
It’s funny because the small apartment thing is what I love about living here-the city is your backyard and there’s so much less maintenance! If you need a big house fine but don’t get mad that I don’t like the idea of having to maintain that much space. If you’re not spending $$ you’re definitely sacrificing time I…
I don’t think New Yorkers realize the constant stream of “New York is THE ONLY PLACE TO BE! THE BEST PLACE TO BE! IF YOU CAN MAKE IT HERE YOU CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE!” that everyone else in the country gets inundated with. I think that people living in NYC fall all over themselves to justify their choice as much as…
We are about to move into a house and, after living my entire adult life in apartments, I’m like, “Shit, we’re just going to have, like, a few empty rooms, I guess?”
We live in one of those big two-story houses with a nice yard, picnic house, etc., and it feels like a coffin. Mr. Penguino and I cannot wait to GTF out of there and into something nice and cozy. I am sick - SICK, I tell you! - of the sh*t we’ve accumulated that we don’t need/use/want and none of it was ever acquired…
While I like to fantasize about having a house, I’m also like, what would I put there? I’ve lived in apartments my entire life and I don’t even know how you accumulate enough stuff for a house.
Why I’m Leaving New York essays are the most annoying pieces of writing to me. It’s a place. Live here or don’t. Literally nobody cares, and your personal decision about whether to live here or not does not make or break the city.
Is it petty of me to feel so much schaudenfreude over Ghost in the Shell bombing so bad?
There have always been these four books, epic and massive books, that I was too afraid to read but really wanted to. Moby Dick, War and Peace, Don Quixote, and The Count of Monte Christi. Over the past year, I read three of the four and started the last one on Wednesday. I know this isn’t a big deal, but it is big for…