
A Jezebel reader accusing others of “drinking the Koolaid?” Pretty funny!

You’re probably fat with combat boots

You may find this shocking, but no one gives a fuck what you think about anything else either


If it were intimidation I couldn’t imagine it would be something that overt. I really hope it was an anonymous person letting her know some kind of fuckery was afoot. And shit man, didn’t whoever gave her this just hand her the keys to a huuuuuuuge lawsuit against the PD and city?

So best case scenario an anonymous person dropped it off to let her know something funny was going on and worst case scenario this is a threat to let her know she can’t win?

get ready to get shot and have your wallet know, like most other black gatherings

HAHAHA, nice article. Nigs gonna nig. Amirite??

Yeah, what an example. It’s almost unfathomable how unbelievably stupid you are. You don’t even get it.

Nah, any douche that disobeys the law and puts other people at risk for injury due to their selfish negligence “irks” me. That includes criminal bikers of any color, gangs of any color, and of course people of your “tall can” drinking, unemployed (because of course you are), neighborhood destroying, criminal ilk. Not

At this point Gawker has become a parody of itself. Even the most ardent readers are rolling their eyes.

Looks like someone is midway through their Philosophy 101 course at their local community college! Congrats junior!

Yep, standing on the corner drinking “tall cans” watching others break the law and put citizens in danger sounds like a very “urban” thing to do.

But this is Gawker and they’re black. Therefore, you are WRONG