
Yea, no.

We’re assuming he didn’t though, which I find a bit unlikely.

I’d be willing to bet it is one of three things.

If, and I stress if, teams don’t think he’s good enough to offset the bullshit he brings in with him does that count as being blackballed? I wouldn’t want him on my team, unless he accepts a backup role/deal in the typical backup QB range.

And I’m sure people who don’t give a fuck about football are tired of paying for a stadium that they don’t need, don’t want and probably didn’t ask for.

I bet you have to buy Destiny and all the DLC before buying Destiny 2.

If there is an equal distribution of professional work, then there should be an equal distribution of domestic work.

I just get less sleep. Wife/Kid go to bed at 9, I game until 1, 2 AM. Get up for work at 7:30.

Do you guys have a pool on trump making it a whole term? If so, was it a block pool, or what? Did people get odds? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW.

Not to defend the prick, but I am a radically different person now in my 30s than I was in my late teens. People do change. Then again, he could have gotten progressively worse, so who knows.

Really, pretty, almost certian that her and her husband are fighting a redistrcting in New York that might cause her kid to have to go to school with kids fom a lower social-economic background.

Painfully accurate.

What would you say to someone who hasn’t enjoyed a FF game since 10?

It was my understanding that the grand plan was to try and bring alternative energy jobs in to the areas for the Coal Miners. Not sure about the decimated auto industry.

He’s not going to be able to do anything for them, is the point. He lied to their faces and they ate it up.