
The Tyrrell was black flagged due to the chlamydia caught from the van.

Oh I wish it was the 70's again. No van is complete without wizards and scantily clad witch ladies!

Celebrate women for having it together and being strong enough help others without labeling them as “co-dependent.”

Gosh. It’s almost as though someone who has such a level of dysmorphia that he has chosen to completely surgically alter his body to look like a doll might well have some other issues. Who’d a thunk? 


I remember some paperback I ran across in the early eighties that appeared to be written in the seventies. It was all about the tragic love story between a teacher and a freshman girl in his class—how they were soulmates and wrote poetry together but she was too young and he was married and every other vomit inducing

Scientology is no weirder than my former Catholic religion with all the candles,incense and peppermint (Sorry couldn’t help it) rituals,praying to saints leg bones (Yeah that one is real) getting verbally and physically abused by old sexually frustrated Nuns not to mention the prev priest running amok for decades.

Back then no one talked about strangers touching you.  No one said that people weren’t allowed to touch you in your “bathing suit” areas.  It wasn’t talked about because... it wasn’t talked about.  These days, kids learn that there are places you can’t be touched and if someone does, you should tell someone.  They’re

I attended Catholic (non-boarding) schools from 1975-87. I am proud to say that male teachers caught making moves on students were outed, fired and, when possible, prosecuted. Even beloved ones.

The thing is, even then, it was illegal. So people understood on some level it was was wrong, but the law was very selectively enforced.

Far and Away?

It’s all about reputation, as a large chunk of these kids are just following the footsteps of their parents and grandparents. For the nouveau riche, they want their kids to make friends with this social class. And the day school kids are never really accepted.

As a survivor of the english boarding school system from 77 to 84 I can assure people that this is not an isolated incident, i would venture that 100% of institutions like this the world over have similar stories at least 100% of boys only and co-ed, not sure about all girls schools such as covent schools.

It was normalized because it was normal. Nothing would be done about it, nobody would stand up for you, there were no support groups, the problem was expected to be discussed in hushed tones and not in polite company, and if you did speak up, it was your fault for stirring shit. This was the world that you existed in,

There are, and always have been, a lot of parents who shouldn’t be parents. 

I’m Gen X, and there was a predatory priest at my school who was assigned to hear our confessions. He did them face to face, alone in a room instead of in the church confessional 50feet from the school. I don’t know if he touched anyone but he exclusively questioned kids about sexually related “sins”. I realized years

I used to think of Tom Cruise as a mediocre actor with white bread good looks who hit the jackpot and has sustained a decades long career by repeatedly making a particular kind of blockbuster film. He hasn’t stepped outside his sure-thing box in years.

It’s a much better idea than a Murano-ster or Evoque-ster convertible.