Comedy Gold Jerry

We've reached the bargaining stage of grief though I doubt we'll get to acceptance before the end.

Okay, guess that's showing where your loyalties lay and they aren't with us in any sense it seems.

Then we got something better, why are we going back that way?

"We have no plans to address threading right now"

Kinja may have a top-notch CMS but their commenting system (reader-facing) is hot vomit sitting in the Arizona sun, do we need to deal with their lousy commenting system?

Jerry can be a total chump even when he's not in denial about Rick.

Might be able to find a phrenologist if they look hard enough.

Aren't polygraph tests about as good at working out a liar as sifting tea leaves might be to predict the future?

You're catching on, kid.

Porn is so hard to find after all.

Do you oppose capitalism? Not many modern-day libertarians seem to want to overthrow that specific authoritarian ideology.

He subscribes to a very particular credo, "only my opinion is the right one".

I'd like to think that the powers that be in the west decided collectively to fuck everyone over out of a sense of boredom and complacency.

Libertarian in the classic sense or libertarian in the selfish sense?

Sounds more like dudes who struck out hard enough with women that men are the only option anymore. At least they wont make fun of their nubbin of a dick.

He sounds like a Robert, real salt of the earth type of name, a workin' man's name without being flashy because of course he would. Always the kind to just snap and go shoot up that liberal place he drives by each day.

Her opposition was a grunting moron who was best known for being the epitome of sleazy 80s excess and a reality game show catchphrase, I'd be surprised if a sack of flour managed to lose against him.

Their sense of entitlement extends to being able to denigrate those outside their social stratum without repercussion.

Only because virtue for them is a sign of weakness or some shit.

Then say "sanctimonious", virtue signalling sounds like the sort of term a South Park educated nihilistic libertarian might come up with.