Comedy Gold Jerry

Does seem like an odd term, like telling others to feel guilty about trying to be a good person when they should be a down and dirty POS like them.

Ugh is about all I can manage in response to knowing that it exists.

Isn't virtue signalling that weird bullshit used by the far right to justify their general shitbag credentials by telling others that their concern is fake?

I feel like gross ineptitude and inaction is our best option right now because as godawful as Trump is, at least you know what fucked up shit is in his head. The rest of his cadre? No fucking way, Pence is straight up lizard politician and wouldn't trust him to not poison the cookies at a bake sale,

When will the white Christian (in name only) ever catch a break?

Remember that it's better to be a racist than to be called one in their eyes.

Give us hell, O'Neal!

Eat shit, Bob.

Ah, the days in the Qarmy.

From what I can tell, there'll be even less going on in the TV Club given a majority of the coverage was regarding what WWE is putting out. Also, this must be the only article I ever see where there's no review but a comment section, that was supposed to be a big deal for all the shows they abandoned but that never

We've always been at war with the Supper Club.

It doesn't, it has to do with food… yknow, that section we've had for a while. Be super grateful we don't have a politics section.

It's a slow news day here at AVC headquarters…

He has decent enough principles but he's weak at standing for them so he'll be stomped upon any time his principles aren't upheld by others which is all the time.

I dunno, I felt pretty soul-crushed after watching it.

You disgust me, pigman.

If I know Jerry (and I don't that much, don't let the name fool you) then he'd get that idea and somehow end up taking himself out.

Dark meat has always been the golden standard of chicken meats.

I heard Bannon had some ribs removed so he could suck his own dick.

Still doing gigs and writing but a long way down from his 1992 heyday which wasn't really all that high to begin with.