Comedy Gold Jerry

You don't need the same grade of talent to play games, bands also mean finding others in the flesh to play with you.

It's a weird combination of nihilistic disassociation combined with a sort of selfish form of libertarianism where only the individual as in the viewer can do as they please but everyone else better be okay with that even if they're being assholes.

Yeah but if you're lucky you might get to see him grab his chest, keel over and shit out his liver.

Isn't he quite the benevolent man, not sexually harassing someone though he could have and actively thought about doing so but he restrained himself, such sacrifice to not do something he clearly felt he was entitled to do.

We thought it spelled out Waylon Smithers but turns out it was Maggie Simpson because of course you're going to make sure to point out your killer as you take your last breath, it's called situational awareness dummy.

Later to be replaced by a pretty good impression of Matt Berry as performed by Jeff Bennett.

That'd be an odd timejump if so, we're not supposed to be more than a year or two from where we left off but then it wasn't really fixed to any specific time or era so probably could fudge it if needed.

Whisky stones.

Paul F. Tompkins dropped out just before filming?

Not the failed sitcom starring Pamela Anderson and a slumming-it Christopher Lloyd?

It's like all my podcast friends in one place!

I'm taking it on the basis of what you'd think about now if you had been offworld since 1996 and the entirety of the 21 years of changes that occurred while you've been gone. What seems blasé now to others is new and incredibly weird to you and it's that sort of thing the storyline will follow.

Well sure but the original run had exactly the same zeitgeist obsession, not really unusual for the show. This is "Slightly Older Wallaby Still Intimidated by Present-Day" by comparison to the older "Young Wallaby Intimidated by Present-Day".

Rocko always felt like a show in search of the 1950s long after that era had been romanticised into something it never was while modernity was twisted into something rotten at the core but varnished over in a shiny veneer, glad to see it hasn't lost that edge.

Yeah, the Kinjapocalypse beckons, we cannot keep NuDisqus.

It's one way of evading an "editorial reply"

Huh, I thought he was still doing shows in Branson.

There's a lot of skittles to knock down then besides those two.

But I'm terrible at that, why do you think I'm here of all places?!

Mine isn't either.