Comedy Gold Jerry

I know the delay between writing and getting it on air is long but not 5 years long though yes, all those people were most relevant or at the tailend of relevancy by 1994.

But then you'd have Pence, sure he's as interesting as a dried out slice of bread but within beats a heart of evil.

Watch a particularly boisterous six year old on a push-along truck, you'll notice the similarities.

It's also a screaming cold sweat nightmare you can't wake up from because it's true.

Thinkin's for them coastal elites.

Well, who the Simpsons writers hated around 1999.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.


That you don't need to say that there's plenty of liberal preening narcissists, it's a bit of a "both sides do it" thing. Everything else is fine, just you don't need balance when talking about an individual.

You probably don't need to do a "both sides do it" filibuster, it's not relevant.

Hey, compassion and moral rectitude are for those ivory tower intellectuals!

I'd want someone who wasn't out for their own ego and lust for power and if they're like me, they damn well should be better at their job than I would be.

Right now, given the ridiculous outcome of November last year, I feel like if you want the job there's a 50/50 chance you'll get it if you're well known enough.

Party first.

Stunning in the sheer level of hubris it must take to do this and brave in a stupid sorta way.

Not without Mother.

You miss something very important, she's rich ysee and the Republicans are the party of enriching the rich. If you're rich, you can also turn a blind eye to injustices because it's happening to poor folk.

Well America, is this what you wanted from your possible candidates for public office? Celebrities with no political history to speak of trying to work in a system few understand?

Subjugation and power. The pee thing, that's a bit of a riddle.

Don't Buzzfeed articles use Facebook's commenting system? Yeah, not surprised that petri dish of bad ideas is churning out nonsense.