Comedy Gold Jerry

We've always been backsliding since we moved to NuDisqus.

In a way, it's the setting of a sun over what AVC was and well, Kinja's coming and nobody wants that.

Isn't Mary Berry and Mel and Sue sticking around on the BBC for their new baking thing?

You know why, we all know why… lousy Tories.

… Yeck, that's all sorts of screwy. It was banned? Good, that stuff was horrific.

An index of tolerability in today's political climate? Hmm.. no, we have wrestling and O'Neal thinkpieces to pay for.

Not for me, it's a strong episode for sure but it doesn't hollow me out like other episodes can do.

That Hank Hippopopalous episode stung a decent amount on the first viewing and since the Cosby allegations and acquittal it's only become more uncomfortable to watch.

Isn't Mr. Peanutbutter Canadian anyway? He can be Canadian president, I could handle that.

But it's usually airing around now, it fills a gap between the dearth of summer content and the smorgasbord that is shown to us from October.

Agh, the pathos… too much….

A re-watch? Yeah, I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared to commit like that.

"That Jesus was always a bit light in the loafers if you ask me"

XENU!! This clam is always glad to see you.

May doesn't recall saying "good luck".

*pours out a 40*

Welp, another show's regular coverage vanishes but we do have space for more wrestling.

There is a reason for it and it isn't entirely to appease the anti-intelligence slugpeople who make up his voter base. Most of it is purely to spite Obama and his administration by rolling back anything positive.

Yeah, don't force it and if there's one thing anyone can be told it's to ignore the fandom for it's a toxic wasteland as very dedicated fantards can be. If you don't watch it, that's cool. I don't get GOT but it'll be there regardless entertaining those who do.

When's season 4 arriving for BoJack? I need to feel again. Last year Bojack dropped around the end of July so maybe I'll get double the feels this year.