Comedy Gold Jerry

Usually I would be that someone but yeah, it's incredibly stilted and unappealing. It's purely animation though though I guess also it falls into a somewhat generic "aimed at girls" style which gravitates that way in general.

How old are you?

What are you wearing? Why are you wearing it?

But why don't the other fish just eat the bigger fish?

"He's a terrible writer and plays ICP too loud on the conference calls, next question."

Nothing. Once the community under the fold goes, I will too and I imagine that 5% of views we contribute will end up low enough to be within the margin of error.

We did, he is.

Ah, to be a coastal elite and not really know what middle America is upto. I think it's supposed to be broad stuff like Jeff Foxworthy and that guy with the racist puppet.

The problem was that it was a service for those who listen to comedy podcasts but with visuals. Turns out you can't sustain a service solely on such a lucrative demographic.

Look, we can't all live in the distant past of AVC c. 2012.

"You'll be there in 100 years, you've been there for 100 years before, you'll be fine I promise!"

At least was a hell of a thrill ride, Kinja's a fucking tirefire.

I don't think he's descended far enough, his name should be spoken with bile and disgust behind it. was a shitshow but at least it's not a Kinja shitshow.

It's not funny, it's disturbing.

Those free lunches won't pay for themselves.

This is for the Facebook visitors.

You're the one who made it dirty, Internet.

That's right, Frank Stallone.

Watch John Oliver CALMLY EXPLAIN the Paris Agreement.