Comedy Gold Jerry

It's fine, we're both joke countries.

Guess this'll be Esther's covfefe.

Well, you say that but I did win a call-in prize on Nickelodeon on-air by correctly guessing someone's unusual pet.

I'm not for Middleditch, seems to think taking a hard left into weirdo town is good enough as a joke.

It shouldn't on the basis that recording for it was done during the filming of season 4, the gasleak season.

Which one?

Everyone seems to be sure it's Selina slipping back into the VP position under Jonah, I think that's probably a bit too close to reality but yeah, could work very well indeed.

They're still there, unchanged and perfect. You can go watch them safe in the knowledge that it all ended last year.

I'm slowly turning against Gary something bad because suddenly he's just this godawful toadying monster and I dunno, something about him now doesn't feel in-character. There's always been traits there but he's never been a bitch.

I am not sure how they can keep Veep rolling, she can't really re-ascend back into the White House unless under some conspiracy of fates Jonah floats upwards and somehow Selena ends up in his sphere of influence.

I feel like Jack is gonna die, just to end the immortality aspect that he's been under. He's no death-seeker but we know that if he dies, he'd accept it given everything he had is merely a memory now.

The desperation to at least hint towards sex from Eric in this review is actually kinda sad, it doesn't actually support anything to have it happen. The episode itself was great even if I feel like this is some weird replica of Aku in many ways.

Uhhh… Stay out of Riverdale.

Nathan Rabin: "He's Very Good"


Doesn't mean you'll be able to understand, you'll get how but never why.

Probably never, your brain will never comprehend how such a thing happened.

Well, guess I was waiting for the episode to make me feel most awkward for Jack and this one is it.

(Disclaimer: Gizmodo, like The AV Club, is owned by Univision Communications.)

And we were told we're not the core audience anymore. They get way way more from folk coming in from anywhere but here directly and while us commetariats might feel a bit screwed by that, we alone won't keep this place afloat.