Comedy Gold Jerry

If it's not Frank Stallone, I'll be greatly displeased that my guess was wrong.

It has O'Neal at his most incendiary on matters that actually have importance, I think I'll take it.

Santorum Gutters!

I'll take it! We have fun here still, that's what's nice.

Clickbait? On my pop culture news site that explicitly said it was targeting floaters from Facebook? It's more likely than I thought.

No, no, babies are uncontrolled nascent id, they're far worse but less smart.

I thought that was the loop we were in, Democrats get in and do a lot of stuff, Republicans get in and gut everything leaving a mess for the Democrats to rebuild.

"They's wimmin issues, those hussies prolly deserve it"

Damn right! Go low, expose their shit because they wouldn't afford you better so play them at their own game. You can play dirty and keep your integrity guys, it's called fighting back, not resisting.

"If they hate you, at least they feel something for you. If they don't even know you exist, you probably don't."

Is this a "if I can't have dignity, nobody can" thing for him?

A Google Glass reference in 2017, huh? Curious.

Oh god… thought I had repressed all memory of that. Maybe Mike Meyers just has a face ill-suited to prosthetics.

Now, please help yourselves to this tripe!

Went out on a well-deserved high on the creator's terms, perfect send-off.

Hahaha, no, nobody the clonus horror.

That's gonna be in my screaming cold sweat nightmares for a while, thanks Tommy.

600? No, no, if I remember correctly it got cancelled in 1998 with just over 200 episodes.

Eh, I enjoyed parts.

He's not my guy, pal.