Comedy Gold Jerry

Huh, seems like the big alpha dog can't be the leader of his pack, sad!

I'd prefer someone competent, this penny ante "better evil" bullshit ain't gonna change anything. Demand way better than the low-level slugs working under the biggest slug.

The free market will solve this problem.

Where's the obit article?

I clicked because I had to, it's gold jerry.

I see you misspelled "unwanted" there.

I listen to podcasts because usually I am doing nothing. It's no coincidence that a lot of my podcast listening consists of "theater of the mind" radio shows.

Eh, I've seen more fiery, you're doing alright.

I feel like this was the fanservice episode, even got in a small "aha, we're on Adult Swim so we can totally get away with this!" joke. Ashi's… "skin" is probably going to be a source of confusion for a while, Not digging how woodland nymph that dress is, really cute outfit all the same though.

It's like saying "Okay, let's say there's no climate change but we try and change how we do stuff anyway as good stewards of Earth. Worst we could get is more efficient energy generation and at best avert the worst parts of climate change if it turns out we were right". It's an expense that has a good ending but nope,

Hey now, slow down there Einstein…

Well sure but you know how it is, it's worse to be seen as racist than to be racist so you have these cute little euphemisms like classy to hide up that you mean "white".

As far as cryptoracist phrases go, "classy" seems the least hidden.

That's the best part of FUD, it wears folk down, makes them suggestible and pliable. Can't band together if you're against those who are technically allies.

FUD exists for a reason and since 2001-ish, it's pretty much been the modus operandi of the US and her allies, keep everyone in a state of constant panic and eventually they won't know what to do.

Also very true, money does not make one smarter nor does it make them less susceptible to snakeoil salesmen telling them what they want to hear. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are good for guys like him and Trump, that does tend to cross a few pay brackets.

It took a lot of restraint on Adult Swim's part but they did good.

Wonder when Alex Jones will pivot to being slightly right of center when his hyperventilating money train has slowed and nobody's worried if he'll stroke out on air or not.

Heh, a conspiracy theory surrounding a conspiracy theorist, funny stuff.

It is but it also speaks to a twisted malevolence within the withered heart of western democracy that it happened at all. I guess you could put it down to a weird game being played since the 60s where average poor folk merely got poorer while rich folk made more and took more proportionally, "Have All The Money" I