Comedy Gold Jerry

Dark shame, needing to judge others in order to cleanse their own tarnished souls.

Like I said, no killing organics, nothing about the sentience level involved.

I'm fine with that.

I never had an issue with the "no killing organics" thing, it did convey a sense of honour to Jack's actions in that he'd never take a life. Also, without that, the impact of him killing would have next to no weight behind it.

On a whim? Nobody chooses to do something that'll make their life several times difficult for shits and giggles.

Then I guess we are floating in the same dinghy with a hole in it.

I mean in the non-medical, crushing sense of ennui type of depression.

The themes of The Running Man are timeless! Also horribly prescient, good read.

They do have a perspective and its one crafted specifically by southern bapist evangelicals.

Meh, I think I've been crushed under the stresses of modern life and our ruling classes since 2015 and it's only been getting worse what with Brexit and the ascension of Trump.

He's making it accessible to the kids who grew up with this stuff, man. You just don't get it, they're adults now so want a more real take on an old classic.

Why hasn't DC snapped up this creative genius? He's all about grim darkness and gore and "gritty realness"!

Perkins, Rocky

Ask your pharmacist if HerpetronDMZ™ is right for you.

As vile as it sounds, I would desire for nothing more than for his death to be as ignoble as shitting his lower colon out on a golf course outside Mar-A-Largo.

I get doing previews a week out but the night prior? Why?

Huh, so we aren't doing reviews for this season?

One does not need to be full on vegan with the air of smugness included to know PETA is batshit insane and full of very angry people.

I dunno, sounds like effort.