Comedy Gold Jerry

Just gonna drop that out there and not give us a link?

Strange place we live in where there's a subreddit dedicated to hating a given character (and Birdmom??! Those monsters!).

I'm gonna drop this H.L. Mencken quote here, he was a horrible racist sure but his words still make sense:

Okay, I'm done here. Back to Reign of Kings with you, your alpha male nonsense isn't needed here.

Alright, I'll think he's a scumbag if he hits back, better?

Somewhat, this is a bit more than indoctrination. This is programming, cut off from the outside and trained solely in going after your quarry and killing it regardless of cost, they know nothing else and that's the analogue being made here. They are basically fleshy robots and the parallels were drawn frequently.

Yes, the parent to Trading Spaces, also responsible for a litany of interior design disasters and rag painting.

Do I need to live in fear of Carol Smilie returning to our screens? I fear not Laurence Llewelyn-Jones returning because he's doing it in Australia instead meaning maybe the 90s are coming back for no good reason

I'm not sure what Jessica Rabbit hot means, so hot she'd be physically impossible to exist?

Sounds about right, modern Klingons were shown to be all about honour and tradition but rarely stood for it unless it benefitted them, none too dissimilar to the dogmatic end of the GOP.

Dya ever think that the worst way to desecrate a known Nazi's tombstone is to spraypaint the Star of David onto it but badly? Do a pentagram instead or something?

My name is in fact not Jerry. Also, note the quotes before you start throwing around words like Nazi, I'm clearly making a joke.

Providing he can find his sword, sure. Until then, he's the tortured protagonist.

"So much for the 'tolerant left'"

It's similar enough for me, Mako is a hard act to follow and it's tough to hit the "old Japanese guy" tone Mako had so short of removing Aku's dialogue or just repurposing old lines, I'm not sure how they could have done better.

Sure but 50 years out of time without your sword might mean a lot of your training simply goes out of the window. Jack isn't the same samurai anymore, he's not even definable as a samurai even so to him killing just means survival now.

I would love to know where the spoiler is in the title. If you really didn't expect someone as in a human dying in this season then I guess you were really avoiding everything leading upto it.

Is Jack dead? We'll see.

He has faced down humans several times but he hasn't actually murdered anyone or even injured them. It's all been robots so for him over 50 years it's just assumed that they're gonna be robots even if they don't look like robots and in that sense he has little compassion being just nuts and bolts to him. Finding he