Comedy Gold Jerry

I don't like it because people looked at this guy and said 'sure, why not?'.

If not a comedian then whom? We're all needy little bitches at some level but I'm not sure why one of the most neediest little bitches is running the show.

Basically, if you're looking to come at Nazis, you'd better have more weapons than they do.

We are a terrible mess of horrible.

That's cutting too many corners just to produce a fifth season, shut it down..

Oh wow, that's some salting the earth shit right there.

Wait, explain to me what happened with that.

I'll miss the oil-as-blood metaphors.

Or become a recluse, release music but otherwise vanish into the ether.

Acting is easy.

Dying is tough.

Ever miss the days it was just you, me and Perkins? Happier times…

Comedy 11K Gold Jerry these days, I was 24K before.

I did!


I missed out, got here too late and figured it wasn't worth jumping in.

RandomGuy, Jerry, Greene.

You ruined the bit, Greene. Twice the salutations I guess this week!

Greene, Rocky.

Hello Greene