Comedy Gold Jerry


Yeah, guess you're right, not the world's fault the largest English-speaking nations decided to tie themselves to the hip of the far-right.

But if I do, won't they stare back into my soul and find it wanting?

Yeah but there's a Simpsons reference in there hence gimmick commenter.

Duff Goldman sounds like a gimmick commenter.

This has to have the most tenuous link between Supper Club and Trump on the site so far. Also, that damn thing is leaning heavily to the right, put a dinner roll under a table leg or something.

Do I have to?

Yeah, you always think a zombie apocalypse would be super fun but you get into it and you're like "it's a lot less thrilling than I expected".

Stick to outlets not based in the US (or Russia really), you'll find less treatment of it as a regular old presidency and more "what the fuck is he doing?" type viewpoints.

It's Action Park's waterslide.

Schadenfreude has always been a persuasive vote getter, we might be failing but as long as you're down here in the mud with us then we feel like we're doing something right.

I know but it's just going off the suggestion only 40-something actors can accurately portray the time-warp weirdness that the characters of Archie happen to have.

And I keep telling people that they capitulated because they're out of fucking money! Do you think anyone but the most money-hungry sites want to do clickbait? Blame Facebook because they're the idiots with the damn strangehold on everyone who goes there and funnel folk out to sites like this and as a result are

Dude, come on.

Not really a grand conspiracy though, it's more of an open secret.

Give them a better revenue source then, until you can then clickbait is how they'll keep the lights on.

And sunken piggy eyes.

Hmm, guess I'm just surprised they saw anything in it, I didn't but maybe they'll impress me like I said.

Nobody ever notices the king when he's dressed in pauper's clothing.

As it should, hopefully you'll remember the visuals and eyebrow waggle.