Comedy Gold Jerry

Now I'm thinking of the Magnum P.I theme having no reference point for the CHiPS' theme.

They'll get their shot, it's just not going to follow straight afterwards but dammit if they won't try and follow the formula.

Unless they meant demeaning just two CHiPS fans.

It won't be easy but I doubt they're just going to settle like Nick tends to do should they not get a hit right out of the gate.

'dere he is…

That's an asinine viewpoint.

They lucked into Adventure Time, why wouldn't they be able to make a similar hit?

I feel it's not over yet, there's still going to be new talent either coming up to make their own stuff or folk coming from existing shows to make stuff too so it could last a while even if big hitters like Regular Show and Adventure Time are ending.

Lakewood Plaza Turbo? Forgot all about that show, just about remember the pilot and thinking it was fairly iffy but I like to be surprised.

They probably won't can it, it's still doing really well even if it has a weird schedule right now.

It is unique but it's gratingly unique at times that it actively pushes you away. It is fine for what it is attempting though.

I may come back for the finale, watched about as many seasons as i haven't watched at this point and while I still hate the idea of Rigby and Elieen together, I do want to know if those kids ended up okay.

Jim Rash is a very nice person.

I'm good with this, hope he gets pinkeye.

43 year olds cast to play 16… not weird.

I can't imagine at what age Archie is acceptably cast.

We can't have nice things, conform or be told you're just confused.

Yeah yeah, toddle on back to whatever right-wing backwater you came from buddy.

We do but we're not allowed to acknowledge the existence of asexuals as people because it's a hoax and obviously has something to do with entirely unconnected gender issues.

In the asexual closet so to speak.