Comedy Gold Jerry

NBC is secretly still peacocking/purposefully tanking comedy.

Really? I don't think anyone but Debra Messing is asking for a revival.

"It's your fault for wanting to be treated like you were valued as a human being when we don't want to"

Make it sound like "We can't have a man who represents all our opinions out in the open, we'll definitely get called on it".

Really? But I'm not cool, that's the point.

I feel Fuck [YEAR] is done as a thing unless we decide to bring it back all "Thanks, Obama" style. He Who Shall Not Be Named is a lightning rod and people are terrified of his oncoming F5 shitstorm but yeah, give it a while, it'll calm down.

It's a strong reminder why I dislike almost all of the Fantagraphics output because it's just soooo edgy and worships at the altar of R. Crumb which immediately discounts it in my mind. Then someone will tell you how they don't soft-pedal stuff and it becomes super-hipstery and pretentious and you've already lost me,

Just got one in under the line I see, nice job 2016.

What are you talking about?

So you're a bullshit representation of identity politics? Get outta here.

Up with furries, down with… um, ambiguity!

Thinking on TV Girl, that's kinda low on the list because it was was around as ambiguous as Austin Holcomb's stuff.

I don't think we took over AVC very well, we will one day but not today. For me, I have no clue but I would say that Shannon Murphy's run and Mildred Louis which ends this week as the worst but then I didn't think much of Luke Meeken's work so my opinion can be readily discounted.

It's the last week, I think it can be phoned in.

I figure they have Fables so no real need for an adaptation.

The world will always need a rhythmic cowbell section.

Try and have a reasonably okay 2017 folks, hold your loved ones close and don't fear the reaper.

Hah, people are silly, you earned two downvotes for your sarcasm!

You can have both corporatism and fascism but it's hard not to look towards Trump and those who support him and not see the fascism they desire what with the nationalist authoritarianism that was a core part of it.

This year totally ruined my celebrity death trifecta system.