Comedy Gold Jerry

Hah, no, I'll be fucked if Death is gonna claim me!

Numbers don't lie but i kinda expect it at this point, there's a lot of pop culture luminaries getting on in years so I'm witholding my concerns for the under 65 set who really did go too soon.

Where did that u come from?

True but this really didn't mention Trump until he swooped in and told us to stop talking about Trump.

Not seen such brazen mid-level transparent trolling in a while, not great but not good but nice try leading with Trump haters though it has no connection to anything else, almost believed you weren't fishing for downvotes.

It was, that was where it all started, Lemmy's been raising hell ever since.

early to mid-60s seems like a good estimate.

Fiftysomething? Sounds generous.

And "Get Schwifty", I won't let anyone forget that. Some Ricked was a very good episode.

You're short nine months.

He cried as is his usual response to 70% of stimuli then tried to move on, knowing the pain will only last half an hour physically but mentally he's a broken man for it.

We must descend into the crevasse in order to leave it.

Sorry, Mr. Vedder.

Huh, so that's how I find out Carrie Fisher is dead. Thanks, Newsweek!

It hit late-era around season six.. the Comedy Central one.

Yeah but at least pretend to have some decorum, this isn't like a lowbrow episode of Veep.

"In Trump's America, the dead are the lucky ones, next slide please."

We have nice things, just they keep getting taken away from us.

I feel his whole repentance thing is a bit more to do with noticing his star has fallen. Nothing has changed, he's still the same idiot savant looking to make a buck off a different bunch of yokels.