Comedy Gold Jerry

Or it might be the year when it seriously stopped mattering and a crushing sense of ennui set in so great that it can all burn for all we care. We may be saving that card for 2017 though, wait and see.

A president-elect probably shouldn't continue a fight on Twitter if someone throws stones at them, this isn't the sixth grade class presidency after all.

It's more like 16 categories under which the several hundred entries are sorted.

Oh and something about his mother which would have also been brilliant.

It probably wasn't more than finding a link at the bottom of the comments on Breitbart, Disqus has a knack of bussing these idiots right to our door.

You're cute but dumb.

I don't think it's a simple "oh, they must be Democrats" but rather "do you want to get the stink of a known racist and sexist on you?". It's buisness and no gain is to be had by hitching your wagon to Trump.

Six days only? Why, I remember when we had articles from 2011 topping the most read!

Nope, pretty fitting. "You are known by the company you keep" and all.

That's nice hun, dinner is at 6.

Rocky, Perkins.

Please go back to Breitbart.

But we run tired old jokes into the ground and keep going regardless of a consensus held by 50 people.

Oh, guess we're going to have to go one better and start picketing that party supplies store posing as a front for Trump's child sex ring.

Yeah, I never believed in the son of god mythos myself but others seem pretty bought on it.

Unless said name happened to be Bernie Sanders.

If the Daily Mail, that bastion of journalism and not just clickbait nonsense with news squished between like grease paper between slices of cheese, says it's true then it just might be. Also, we're keeping the 80s alive by bringing back Reaganomics and keeping aging action stars in gainful employment, you're welcome

Devil Flanders has Trump's soul?

That's my point, I know most of them do Nature Cat and Chris Parnell alongside Bobby Moynihan do plenty of voicework in general.

But we were told he was incorrputible and needed no money though still managed to make a decent profit! Are you saying President-Elect and Captain of Industry Donald Trump is a liar?