Comedy Gold Jerry

I don't know if I could call it cowardice, more that we cannot compromise in case it taints us and we become just like them even though they have a solid way to victory through power and disregard for the opposition.

Plenty of SNL alumni move into voice acting, can't see how weird it is or if it even needs to "merit" it.

So, violent opposition or some guy sitting on a throne of skulls. I assume skulls, it's usually skull thrones with despots.

That's what makes him dangerous and toxic though, his weaknesses are huge monumental flaws in any leadership position but as the head of a superpower? Benign sociopath or not, blundering fool isn't much better.

But he's a man who can't be bought! Remember??

None are about Aleppo which I'm sure he thought was a dog food.

Dang it, stole my bit! Take your ill-gotten upvote.

Yeah though "They're Both As Bad As Each Other: False Equivalencies in Western Democracy" is getting a lot of attention.

Crushed under a stack of newspapers from 1987-1996?

Gonna need a precis on that assertion.

I'm going to keep calling them "fuckin' scum" if you don't mind.

Hm.. wait.. "alt-right" is politically correct… though it's describing people who are outraged by the concept of political correctness… These neo-Nazi fascist types aren't very consistent in their logic.

And Breitbart, we can't forget Breitbart.

I don't really think copyright law is the problem (besides my thinking copyright of works should pass to the creator or the estate of the creator after 25 years of the publishing date) but the way it's used by larger labels.

"It's not us, the grossly rich people at the top who make a significant amount. No, look to the pirate, those bastards are who's really crushing the creators! Just don't look up, we're innocent!"

I really don't care about dick bones but it's a welcome distraction.

Yeah, that too.

Seven mentions for Lady Dynamite, that I can get behind.

Naw, not SNL, you can't have Trump on and say it's forgiven.

Super-edgy and "real" comic checkboxes are all ticked I see.