Comedy Gold Jerry

Really has been the year of death on CBB, Garry is away in the peanut butter dimension though.

So I should think of peanut butter as well?

"I assume some are good people"

We can still do that, just try and ignore how he's been given more power and attention than he ever thought possible and how this could never ever end well. Yknow, short of a brain transplant and doing a huge Sanders-grade turnaround.

Not the poor ones who aren't nice about him anyway.

You don't understand? Well, one is a failed tycoon running on the fumes of his own ego and arroganceā€¦ the other is a black man.

Everytime I see the word "gubernatorial", I keep thinking of "cromulent" because I can't believe in that word existing.

Tell him I'm busy, gotta wash my hair or something.

And that's okay!

Which is it, AVC? Do you hate empty calories or not?

Does it ever.

Apparently it means "to suggest that a man is lacking in masculinity. May be used to describe one with homosexual tendencies. May be used to describe one with cowardly characteristics." Yknow, your garden variety beta, fag'git or cuck in the modern parlance.

Truthiness as a concept isn't a lie, for many it's a way of life. Basically the truest of conservative viewpoints is the one where you know you're right and got sold on the American dream, just everyone else stands in your way.

"He'll make me richer", just like every other election.

Star of critical darling North?

Got something like that here, you can still hear Tories bitterly griping about the ruins that Labour left though that was six years and two elections ago and very little has been done to fix said problems though quite a few new ones have been made on their watch and some of the old problems have worsened.

Those are who aren't like that yet voted for him are either in an entirely different social bracket to you or keeping quiet about it. They might be dumb enough to vote for a huckster but not so dumb that they'll spew his rhetoric in public.

Probably wasn't AVC, gotta work with what you've got when it comes to screencaps of someone's private message. I mean, if you have an uncensored versionā€¦

I've been okay with the show so far, bit middling but had room to grow and I think it's paying off. A second season would be good, work out most of the kinks and see what they can do, it's no instant hit but I feel it could do fine alongside the other shows given work.

Satire? Sounds like satire but when reality is being too extreme even for satirical shots it's hard to tell.