Comedy Gold Jerry

I dunno, it gave R. Crumb a career.

Perkins, Rocky, Guy.

Mornin' Rocky.

Inconvenient for anyone not on his side, that's expecting empathy for others from them, it's asking a lot I know.

Isn't that what those guys barking "get over it" think?

Inconvenient Truth 2: Last Chance, Fuckweasels

The sign said 'all you can eat' and my client hadn't eaten all he could.

This is nothing without Swag Onion.

That option is always open, just depends on how doom will come.

Which also did the above. #BoycottZootopia2

Oh, I know! They'll be murmurings that somehow Sing promotes interspecies relationships and/or turns kids into furries.

What'd be the worst? Nuclear annihilation? Protracted civil war? Widespread destitution?

Where the hell is Shaun O'Neal at this time? This sort of Newswire article is written for his rage and alcohol fuelled ranting.

Or adulation.

If this is a joke, where's the damn punchline?

Possibly or he's the most honest Republican president ever, can't really tell.

I guess I have to appreciate their entire advertising campaign being "yeah, our burgers are gross, thanks for your money".

To be fair, the artist's representation of the dinosaur species in question used over on CNN is stupidly cute.

But they were under the assumption it'd land on anyone else's head but the white folk!

Hey, that's what those Trump voters thought!