Comedy Gold Jerry

I feel like people read "Irish", something about "gas" and just worked out what stereotype-based humour they could wrangle up true to AVC's commentariat's general level of comedy.

No comments… yeah, we know why. Takin' that Hormel money.

Keep on fuckin' that chicken to slightly mangle a briefly lived phrase from the before times of 2009.

We've been fucked since Trump threw his hat in for president and nobody said "no, fuck you, you're disqualified".

Don't feed the monster, Purdom.

If this year's motto was "Fuck 2016", I've got a feeling next year's motto will be "We're fucked".

What, a brain trust?

I feel like everyone knows it, it's more just preparing for pain before the shit really flies.

"What regulations? I swear you hippies need to lay off that wacky baccy."

Cull seems likely, if there's one thing the US knows how to do it's a quick and efficient (or slow but clandestine) cull. Giving out money for nothing sounds like communism, also there's the loss of precious capital involved in paying people living wages which'll definitely cut into their bottom line.

Where is that right now?

Inside, it's supposed to go inside!

at the very least, you know how to own it.

That's your brain fighting against your will, be careful in case blood leaks from your nose or, if you're unlucky, your ears.

dang you're mean.

Psh, a metalcore band would say that.

Breitbart's response reads like "lalalala, can't hear you because I'm right, lalala"

Good, you're not welcome.

*taps furiously for ten seconds, looking pensive*

To the Leave voters perhaps but it meant far more than that, saying that the UK was beholden to foreign interests is the simplified version given much of that isn't fully true much like bendy bananas. There's no reason in my mind that our legislation should have been left up to a public barely cognisant of what the EU…