Comedy Gold Jerry

I could but we all know barely anyone knew the true measure of that referendum and how our membership a byzantine system of our creation spanning several decades can't just be decided on a basic "in or out" principle. It was a fucking scapegoat.

Not Big Kudzu!

Nor do other animals, do we think they need to be rendered extinct just to assuage our guilt because they're considered "garbage"? We aren't worse, animals are fucking assholes in general and we're just the best at it, they aren't more virtuous because they're not as smart.

We didn't either. Still, America one upped us so well done.

Hah, if only.

I'm not sure, this one has been slowly drifting further towards reactionary given the commenting. They used to be cool.

They do say once an idea is out there, it takes on a life on its own…

LWT is currently between seasons, FF picked up last night.

Dammit, thought we got the message through that the perfect is the enemy of the good enough!

Just had to copy the UK, didn't you? Figured if we can give ourselves a gaping wound that only grows more rotten day by day, you'll go one better and go straight to putting a shotgun in your mouth and pulling the trigger with your toes.

You'd be surprised how far someone can go based on principle, a lot may simply be driven by suspicion and good old malice and spite. They might be poor but there's still schadenfreude to be found in someone worse off than them, nobody's shouting at them or demanding their death or deportation after all.

They do but the problem with telling the party of self-sufficiency that is that they also happen to fuck those who don't deserve it under Trump's presidency, maybe to a worse degree given how the system is set up.

As you know, the feeling in your gut and having a hunch is all you need anymore. No intuition, that's like inherited knowledge and we have no time for logic or facts, only sentiments!

The truth is only as factual as what you want to hear, this election cycle proved that.

Not true, we can indeed be positive, just go to any article not about Trump and we're positively delightful for people who've had a shitty month and know there's more to come.

Wait, we've done this with the Jim Crow laws making certain people's votes worth less than someone else's. Generally felt to be a really shitty idea and totally anathema to any true democracy so I'll pass on this thought experiment, we've seen what happens before.

Yes, it is totally specious reasoning, not denying that. It's easier for me to think there will be a tomorrow to greet willingly rather than none at all but who can say what'll happen. Saying that failure or total collapse is pretty much definite isn't much better reasoning either but that's the headspace we're in

I'm still no closer to understanding Roger physically than I was before, this episode does nothing to help. Still, next week's loopback to "Jeff's actually an alien" thing should be fun, wonder if they'll make good on explaining where Reginald is in all this being a sight gag two episodes ago.

Psh, you're a slightly left-leaning libertarian yelling "I know the truth!!", one of convenience even. Save your wailing against the progress of society for Breitbart, they'd have a field day with you.

Trouble with conspiracy theorists is that they have "the truth" and to die is to be silenced by those covering up "the truth". You can't dissuade those so blind as to follow a conspiracy down the rabbit hole