Comedy Gold Jerry

No, take out Steve Brule, it's no better than the garbage stoner/LSD trip anti-comedy they consistently peddle.

Anyone purporting to have the truth often is crazy. I'm sure your intentions are good but you're not some outspoken paragon of facts.


Probably but just as likely it's about making sure they'll still be able to court advertisers and creators and having the stink of neo-Nazis wafting over your network makes it less palatable to them.

Classic conservatism has been dead since sometime just after the 50s when it was hijacked by white supremacists and evangelists looking to force their views through making them an integral part of the Republican's manifesto.

You're right, would need to be relevant and interesting for anyone to care.

Probably in January, coming up on that year and three months marker they tend to have.

Counterpoint: South Park has done more to court regressive thought processes under the guise of "nobody is safe" style comedy though written by left-leaning manchildren.

Like shooting womp rats back on Tattooine.

"Them people're not like me, they're troublesome and angry up my blood." It's violent but only in the sense of making white folk scared of those "others" and trying to eliminate them.

Like playing Angry White Guy bingo over here.

Cuck does convey a certain "my penis is very small, i'm sorry" vibe.

Really working your English Lit minor there.

Not much was "leftist", just a lot more neutral than this which seems to actively court the regressive right out there. I mean, it's not some South Park "everything is incorrect" bullshit but it often didn't go there.

I knew it!

If you can call that "life", not really down with adopting the concept of favelas in a supposedly first world nation.

I'm not letting kudzu win, everyone loses if kudzu wins including all those animals you want to protect!

Minor grade shoplifting to try and feel some pang of thrill and excitement? Yeah, I'm trying to make my purchasing decisions as humdrum as possible.

I'm very glad I'm not alone in hating their voices and how unsuited they are to an audio medium.

Don't Finkel my Doppel.