Comedy Gold Jerry

Most likely, should any European countries decide upon accepting it then you'll know where to emigrate to.

No, it's fatalistic, it's giving up because you assume no good can come from humans though the only destructive tendencies we have are being craftier and more complex about our assholishness than the lower species.

Yet. *nods*

Can never underestimate the "got mine, fuck you" mindset, nice reminder.

Life always finds a way as we know only too well.

I feel it can get worse, this is a relatively minor shitty thing.

Well, the idea seems great for those of us who are perennially person-avoidant but good luck making people not feel like thieves for failing to check out.

This seems the least worst thing.

Not in Trump's America, in that economy? But really, can you imagine the shitstorm that would generate, the idea that people should get money for existing? People would be apoplectic that others were sharing in a common wealth leaving less for them! And the immigrant rhetoric… oh wow. This is why we can't have nice

Oh you, ever the optimist.

It's a problem with a system which may end up with a high amount of unemployed with no means to have them employed. Of course, those people will be expected to survive alone given their lack of options but that's their fault and not those who made it near impossible to escape if you fall through the cracks which are

You'll eat rat like everyone else, don't mind the maggots.

"Special little snowflakes" or special little snowflakes?

I choose to believe in a better world, dammit!

Not a very good one if almost nobody can use it.

That's a problem for our screwy society, stuff is moving towards making people redundant but still requires people to be useful and/or employed in order to survive. Fail at one or the other, guess who'll find themselves in the underclass in Shanty Town over near the freeway?

Sack Stuffers Local 199 are picketing as we speak.

Capitalism and the free market strike again.

Yow, bad phrasing.

Well screw that, I want to still be here when that happens! Not one for fatalistic "humans are a cancer" thinking.